
Any help is welcome!

If you encounter a problem using FSHARP_TEMPLATE, a task it not as easy as you’d like it to be or you’d like something added to it: open an issue at GitHub.

Report Issues (Bugs and Feature Requests)

File a bug report at Github.
Add a feature request at Github.
Take a look at the Issue Tracker at GitHub

Forking the Repository

If you’d like to contribute directly, e.g. better the documentation, add another language or write some source code: fork FSHARP_TEMPLATE by clicking the Fork button in the upper right corner of the GitHub project website. Check out your fork of FSHARP_TEMPLATE using the URL from the Code button of your fork on Github. The URL should be something like

Details about how to fork a repository on Github are here.

Make your changes, push them to your forked repository and make a pull-request (e.g. using the Pull request-button above and right of GitHubs source file view).

See GitHub on Pull-Requests and another How-To.

Github Documentation on Collaborating with Issues and Pull Requests

See GitHub’s documentation about how to contribute for details: Collaborating with issues and pull requests.

Common Tasks Developing FSHARP_TEMPLATE

Jupyter Notebooks

The Jupyter Notebooks are located in the project root directory FSHARP_TEMPLATE, named

Changing and Generating Documentation

All files to generate the MkDocs documentation for Read The Docs are located in the directory FSHARP_TEMPLATE/tzolkin_calendar/docs.

All needed packages to develop FSHARP_TEMPLATE are installed in a virtual environment using pipenv, so your system-wide Python installation isn’t affected by it.

First, install pipenv if you don’t already have it installed:

python -m pip install –upgrade pipenv
and install all needed packages to develop tzolkin-calender:

python -m pipenv install –dev
That command installs all packages in Pipfile/Pipfile.lock in the directory tzolkin-calender, the root directory of FSHARP_TEMPLATE.

More information about pipenv can be found at Pipenv.

After that, the new HTML documentation should have been generated in tzolkin_calendar/tzolkin_calendar/doc/html and you can open tzolkin_calendar/tzolkin_calendar/doc/html/index.html in a browser to see it.

GitHub Documentation

The Markdown documentation for GitHub are the files and in the project root directory tzolkin_calendar.

Source Code


All test code is located in the directory /tests/.

GitHub Workflows/Actions